Welcome to the ALMR
There is no need for any mercury in humans or the environment. The ALMR represents the majority of commercial processors of mercury-bearing wastes in the U.S. and around the globe. Member companies perform the majority of all the lamp recycling done each year through a comprehensive service network to assist with collection, processing, recycling, and recovery of spent mercury lamps, ballasts, batteries, electronic products, and other wastes with hazardous levels of mercury.
ALMR member recycling locations map link https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zoNz7mc1xncg.kVymwUgNYAmc
Lamp recycling also facilitates the recovery of Rare Earth Elements (REE) considered critical for many industrial and national strategic uses. The ALMR is working with the Critical Materials Institute, created by Congress to 1) identify new sources of REE, 2) research alternatives to lessen the depletion of REE and 3) enhance the recycling and reclamation of REE from products and wastes. The ALMR's Executive Director, Paul Abernathy also serves as an Advisory Board member for the Center for Resource Recovery and Recycling (CR3). CR3 is part of the Metals Processing Institute and combines global business interests with international academia to enhance the reuse and recovery of many valuable metals and materials.
Member companies embrace high professional standards to provide quality products and recycling services to assist customers with their needs, while ensuring integrity and satisfaction from locations across the U.S., in the EU and Asia, while providing technology worldwide.
The ALMR's recent member, Electronic Recyclers International, Inc., (ERI). ERI is the leading recycler of e-waste in the U.S. The company was founded in 2002, and has become the largest recycler of electronic waste in the world. The Fresno, CA-headquartered ERI is licensed to de-manufacture and recycle televisions, computer monitors, computers and other types of electronic equipment. ERI processes more than 250 million pounds of electronic waste annually at its locations in California, North Carolina, Washington, Colorado, Indiana, Massachusetts and Texas. ERI operates the largest, most efficient and highest-capacity shredder in North America. ERI also removes mercury-containing lighting from electronic waste and recycles this material at other ALMR member facilities. Residential and commercial lamp collection and consolidation is offered at most of ERI’s locations.
Our Mission
Promoting recycling of mercury-containing lights is the mission of the ALMR. Our goal is to identify, develop and expand market opportunities for recycling all products that contain mercury, and to support programs, policies and practices that divert mercury-bearing wastes from the solid waste stream and the environment.
The ALMR serves as an educational and information resource to government agencies, municipal authorities, industry and businesses, Universal Waste handlers, generators, environmental groups and trade organizations. We provide assistance to anyone searching for proper mercury and lamp management.